The recent Ozark Creative Writers Conference included several contests. One was for a poem with the subject “My Favorite Day in Nature.” This poem was awarded First Place.
Any Day in Nature is My Favorite
My favorite day in nature would likely begin
watching the sky streak with pink, orange,
then gold as the sun climbs above the waves,
while my toes burrow into soft white sand.
My favorite day in nature might include
stopping to admire a bald eagle as it soars
above the river searching for prey
then perches high in a treetop to feed.
My favorite day in nature might be spent
watching twin spotted fawns playing chase
among the clover, while a doe grazes
nearby with a watchful eye.
My favorite day in nature could find me
standing on a mountain top, my eyes following
a dust trail raised by a band of wild mustangs
thundering across the range.
My favorite day in nature would likely end
with a crescent moon reflected in the glassy
surface of a lake, Venus glowing in the western sky,
my eyes searching the heavens for a shooting star.